Saturday, November 19, 2011

Are you prospering in this economy?

We keep hearing it over and over again.  The economy stinks...or choose your favorite expletives and/or descriptors.  Something that I used to say a long time ago was that the economy was neither good or bad, but it was more like the weather.  I have no idea what the source of this thought was.  There is nothing we can individually do about it.  We can't change the fact that it might rain or that it's too hot or cold, we just have to deal with it.  To quote an old cliche`, "it is what it is." 

Economics is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services."  Very often, we think of economics in the personal sense, that economics is responsible for our personal success or failure. 

I have finally found a source of information on the current economic environment that makes sense.  The theory is that the government doesn't drive economics anymore than Santa Claus does.  The population (300 million people in the United States) producing goods, selling services, buying goods and services is what makes up the economy.  The idea that is overlooked, but incontravertible, is that the biggest factor affecting a given geographic area is the birth rate.  This concept was so obvious to me and completely caught my attention.

The man is Harry S. Dent and his work is "How to Prosper in a Downturn" by Nightingale-Conant.  I first saw Harry S. Dent on the evening news during the budget debate.  The program contains insights on how you can not only protect youself and your family in the event of a downturn, but prosper in a downturn.  It also contains outlines of what the economy of the different regions is going to look like in the future.  Buy it, learn it and prosper in a downturn or flat economy.

How to Prosper in a Downturn By Harry Dent - $1.00 30-Day Trial w/ $20 Discount - Click Here

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